Box 4 Folder 5: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 50

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421 [top right margin]

16 August 1900

20 800 [note in margin]

1900/10832 [note in box]
M. l [note in box]


With reference to previous correspondence, I have now the honor to forward herewith list of native names forwarded by the District Surveyor at Grafton and Orange.

[indecipherable handwritten note]

I have the honor to be,
Your obedient Servant
H. [Auny?]
Under Secretary
per C. J. S.

W. W. Bucknell Esq.
Hon. General Secretaary
The Royal Anthropological 
Society of Australasia
"Argreah ' Chandos St 

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