Box 4 Folder 5: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 33

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25th September, 1899.

Referring to previous correspondence respecting the collection of Aboriginal names of places with their meanings for your Society, I am directed to forward herewith the forms containing the names which have so far been received together with a copy of a suggestion from the Warden's Clerk at Nymagee.

I am to add that as other names are received they will be forwarded to you.

I have the honor to be, 
Your obedient Servant
D C McLachlan
Under Secretary
per [?]

W. Wentworth-Bucknell Esq.,
Honorary General Secretary,
Anthropological Society of Australasia,
"Argreah," Chandos Street, ASHFIELD.

[note in margin] Replied WWB 3.10.99

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