Mining Registrar's Office
Nymagee, Sept. 19th 1899.
Under Secretary for Mines, Sydney.
The Police started to enquire about the native names of local places before I received notice. I am therefore not able to furnish the information without clashing with the Police. I attach 7 names which no doubt will be found to be well known, but being anxious to assist in the movement made to preserve these names for all time, I make the following suggestion:
That King Billy and Adelaide Tommy be invited to spend a month or so in Sydney, with a view to ascertaining from them all the native names of places and thing of which they are conversant. They are very interesting and intelligent old fellows. King Billy was present when Mitchell crossed the Lachlan over 40 years ago, and has since been to England and presented to Her Majesty the Queen; he has never been known to taste wine, beer or spirits of any kind in all his long life (over 70 years) and is King of the Lachlan tribe. If you write to D. E. MacKellar Esq J.P., Wooheo Station, Lake Cudgellico, he will supply particulars. [handwritten note added: ? note to him 3.10.99]
Adelaide Tommy is king of the Adelaide Blacks and more intelligent than "Billy" but not so conservative, and Billy would not go unless satisfied he would be treated as a gentleman. Tommy would be glad of the trip and was employed as tracker in the Police Department 17 years ago; he is a very smart old man indeed. Both these men are very old and now would be a most fitting time I think to make use of them to their advantage and as a lasting advantage to the country from an Anthropological point of view.
I have etc.
(Signed) H. D. Edwards,
Warden's Clerk & Mining Registrar,
Adelaide Tommy is on the Lachlan between Hillston and Booligal. The Police could soon find him.
[handwritten note at top] Replied WWB 3.10.99