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[Page 23]

Bn. Parade in morning - Football match in afternoon. I have a sore neck. There are several cases in the Brigade like it.   Neck in rash & itchy.

Posted parcel to Jess containing two German gas masks - registered it for 4fr 90c. Off parade with sore neck.

Off parade with sore neck & face - a rash - itchy & blotchy.   Attended Company Commanders' meeting at Hqrs. Mess. Discussed Xmas Dinner for the troops. Borrowed two books from the Padre - Major Duniford M.C. - "Clementina" by Mason & "Jesus Christ & the Social Question" by F.G. Peabody - Commenced reading "Clementina" - very interesting & well written.   Wrote Mrs Alexander (Redhill), Miss Ina Cowley & George.

Still off parade - Bn. preparing to move forward to Florennes  tomorrow - a 3 day march. Received large Xmas Cake from Jess and the scamps, also

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