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In a second we capsized our carriage, groceries & all, and waited till our opponent had passed; after that reinstated ourselves and sailed home triumphant.
For tea, Alan & I treated ourselves to sausages (tinned) and cocoa (own brew). Later on we boiled a petrol tin of water on our stove & had a fair-dinkum wash; - quite a novelty now-a-days.
A quiet smoke in bed ended the day, and our conscien consciousnesses floated away amid the languid wreaths of smoke & left us, as helpless as the sons of Clovis, in the arms of the Infinite.
July 7. We loaded timber for sleepers, angle-iron & wire to-day. We also visited and inspected a 'Tank' which had been put out of action & a Fritz 6" howitzer that had suffered the same fate.
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