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occasional glimpse at the beaming countenance of some lady or gentleman from England who has come over here to entertain us and to minister to our higher needs, reminds me of those who are doing a similar tack in another corner of the great vineyard; the old hymns that we sing quicken every fibre in my being as I recall the times, former occasions upon which I have heard them sung.
To-day has been particularly full of such messengers of joy & consolation amid a world of sand & sorrow. The morning's service was mentioned in my last book. In the afternoon Les & Ron & I went to a Bible Class for Soldiers in the S.C.A. Hut. The meeting was conducted by a grand young woman from England. She spoke very earnestly & beautifully to us & invited us all back again. She also asked us our names & Battalion etc.
We next drifted across the sand to the Y.M.C.A. for afternoon tea and had a chat with the Secretary there. He was a bright little spark & has a son at
[There is a note in the lower left hand margin which seems to be – "Dear Mrs. B.T. Dunlop Apr 1958"].