Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 53
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Father Neptune & his retinue paid their visit to the ship in the afternoon & made the acquaintance of a great number of the officers & men. One of the usual wild games of deck hockey was played during the afternoon, two of the players being knocked out. I asked Fred into my cabin for afternoon squash he was greatly pleased to get a chance of sitting on a real chair once more. We crossed the Equator at 1 P.M.
25th December. Xmas day away from all the loved ones – I feel very sad about it. I spent about an hour in the morning looking at your photos & thinking of you. But it was pretty poor consolation. The day was spent very quietly – I went to Church parade at 11 AM. We had a very merry afternoon tea party in the saloon – some of the nurses had laid in stocks of cakes, bon bons etc for the occasion. We had our Xmas dinner in the evening the officers distributed themselves amongst the nurses & we had quite a jolly dinner. I hanged the expense & went to a bottle of champagne & toasted you all in bumpers full. Before the dinner started I bought my bottle of wine & left it in the cabin