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I thought the last word might cheer you up a bit – a little bit of the old lamb. I hope you got this cable all right. To-day I received your cable "May I come leaving children Trixy Norrises Westbourne Grove Post Office" To this I replied at once addressed to Read Westbourne Grove Post Office London "No leaving shortly".
I guessed that this last cable of yours followed on the receipt of my letter written from the Continental Hotel Cairo. Well I would have been delighted to have got you across, but I fear that by the time you got here the bird would have flown I being the bird. We are leaving very shortly I cannot say when or for where but will take the earliest opportunity of advising you as to our whereabouts. I have been keeping real well since my three days spell in Cairo & am now feeling just the thing. There is only one thing I want & want badly & that is a sight of my loved ones. Fred had had a bit of a throat but I don't think it has been very bad – he has had such a lot of illnesses you know. A good number of the men have been sick one way & another – it is not too healthy a spot where we are camped – shortly before we got here

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