Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 155
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[Page 155]
He also is the donor of the turquoise which you will find wrapped up in an envelope. He says it came from Mr. Sinai. Both these gems are for you – also the brass replica of Cleopatra's needle which I purchased in the Mouski the main street in the bazaar district of Cairo. There are also two cushion covers one for each of the girlies, a small brass tray for Trix and a native head wrapper for Amy. There are also for the children beads galore collections of stamps & coins & a piece of the Xmas cake from the Kyarra.
I think it would be just as well to sterilize the whole darned lot – boiling wouldn't hurt any of the precious things. I also sent a book of Luxor views & copies of the first half dozen photos I took with the new camera.
I will be sending more photos probably by next mail. I rarely see Fred he is the man what does the disinfecting, he looks much cleaner since he has been on this job – perhaps he occasionally goes through the disinfecter himself. He is also very fat & comfortable looking – too much manual labour I fear is his trouble. And now I must end up with heaps & heaps of love to all the dear ones & not a little to your own dear self
Yr Loving husband
PS. Many happy returns of the 10th for Peter. God Bless him. W.H.R.