Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 165
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I would love to have a [indecipherable] at the children playing with their hoops in the Park.
I am at present sitting in my tent surrounded by a new mosquito net suspended from a hoop attached to the fly of the tent. I attached a lot of little lead weights to the skirt of the net. The chair & I must manage to fit in nicely under the net. I smoke the pipe in peace & write this epistle & outside the flies storm with impotent rage. Some of the other officers have just spotted me & reckon that I look like a bride. Fancy the grapes not ripening at the Wurley – they should have cut off a lot of the leaves
I like the way you ended your last letter
"God keep you from your loving old Mrs."
I will be looking forward to a cable from you about the 14th inst. in reply to mine & sincerely hope we will be able to arrange for you all to come to Egypt. You must make all arrangements for plenty of money to be forwarded on to you – you will find it pretty expensive here.
Good bye dear old sweetheart & God bring you to your loving husband