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evidently some bungling in the postal arrangements somewhere. Perhaps you may be able to make some enquiry into the matter; I don't know who you should approach but I should think the war office would be the place to start at. Hooroo I have just had handed to me your letter from 53 Leinster Sq. dated 5.2.15. I suppose you meant 5.3.15 as the postmark is dated 5.3.15. Please be more careful in the future. Anyhow I was very pleased to get the letter & to learn that you were all well. I don't want any handkerchiefs or socks – I have plenty – what I do want is a Tobacco cutter I have searched Cairo for one but cannot get it – I find it a beastly bore having to cut up the plug - in a way it is a boon because it curtails my smoking & this is a distinct advantage – but there is no use asking you to send me one because we will almost certainly have moved before it could reach me. But if we get settled in any decent part of the globe I will get you to send me one. Somehow or other I don't quite like the idea of your putting up at the place where you are – you should not be in a place where you have to do so much stair climbing. I think you should look around & get rooms in a better locality & not garret rooms either.

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