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Since I last wrote a few changes have happened – I asked to be relieved of the charge of the camp in order to do some medical work for a change – Major Carter took my place down here & I took over some of the beds at Mena House but still continued to live on the flat - I could have had a luxurious room at the house but somehow or other I like the tent best besides I think it is healthier & it is only a 200 yard walk up to the House where I get a nice hot bath every morning after reveille, and we mess very decently down here now – we have given up the nigger contractor who was dirty & dear & now run our own mess & live practically on our rations. Well Major Carter has just been detailed off to a special duty & I am once more at the helm down here in addition to having the wards at the House, but there is not a great deal to do at either place & time passes pretty slowly. We are still living in glorious uncertainty as to our movements but must know something definite before very long. I fancy our hospital will remain in Egypt for a good while – we may be stationed in Alexandria. I have just had the trunk that I left to be stored at Cook's in Cairo brought back to camp. What a splendid idea of your Aunt Elizabeth's – I will remember it.

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