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one of which enclosed a figure of Christ on the cross. The officiating clergyman did a real deal of bowing & scraping & waving of hands. Instead of bread small wafers were distributed. We were all exhorted to come & confess our sins & get absolution. The whole service was not at all to my liking. I had a talk to Sister Stobo in the morning & spoke about the shortage of cash amongst all our officers. She fairly made my mouth water by telling me that she had plenty. I immediately took advantage of the opportunity of stealing a march on the others & got from her a promise of the loan of a fiver. The trip to Nuwara Eliya during our projected four days stay in Colombo, which I had long since abandoned as hopeless owing to scarcity of funds, is now quite on the cards once more. I learnt this morning for the first time that I am an object of interest to at least one of our nurses – she asked me to shave my moustache off. I told her that I was commanded in Kings' Regulations not to shave my upper lip & at the same time expressed my keen regrets at not being able to please her in the matter. I attended the Church service in the morning – Colonel Nye, a Methodist Chaplain, officiating.

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