Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 46
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vanquished one fell. A special exhibition fight, the result of a challenge, also took place between Major Grey & Capt. Kay, the latter easily defeating the gallant Major in each of the three rounds. During the afternoon I had a game of deck tennis, a new game to me, a rope quoit is thrown into a court divided into two halves by a rope stretched across the desk. The quoit has to be caught in the hand & thrown back to the other side. If dropped, it counts to the other side. A dance took place on the deck after dinner but it was too hot for me.
On Sunday I attended Holy Communion in the music room at 7 A.M. It was conducted by Sergeant Statt of No 2 Gen. Hospital. He is a minor Canon of Newcastle Cathedral & is on our strength as Sergeant Clerk. He was assisted by another person from our unit Sergt. Rook the man you met at the Red Cross Depot in Macquarie St.
Sergt. Statt was arrayed in a gorgeous robe a cross between the garments worn by a Jewish Rabbi & those of an R.C. priest. On the Communion table were a pair of lighted candles, two small cups with lids on them & containing different coloured liquids & several little cupboards