Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 50
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But still I think that none of them could complain of being overworked – a lot of them seem to be putting on condition. On one of the decks a boxing ring has been fixed up & every afternoon at six some ding dong battles take place. We have not yet had a fan installed in our cabin, apparently the one belonging to the cabin is broken beyond repair & there are no spare ones on the ship. I have already had proof ample of the value of giving tips all round at the commencement of the voyage. Bath towels at the present moment are at a premium, each officer is allowed one coarse towel every other day. The bath steward informed me of this & at the same time winked his eye & advised me that as far as I was concerned the rule could be disregarded as he would see that both a face towel & a soft body towel would be available for me each morning. Bang goes another ten bob. The pound that I bestowed on the table steward fell I fear on rocky ground – he is very willing but very stupid. The pourboire to Lance Corp. Winter was quite unnecessary – he is at all time & under all conditions as a batman a perfect admirable Crichton. The drink steward is next to useless, there is only one man to attend to the drinks of the whole saloon