Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 130
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decently but at times was apt to get a little familiar. We drove into Cairo in a carriage had lunch at the Continental & then took the train out to the Barrage about 15 miles from Cairo. At this place the Nile divides up into its two main branches one of which flows into the Mediterranean at Rosetta & the other at Damietta. The triangle between the two main branches forms the Delta.
[Then follows a diagram of what the author has just described.]
The Barrage is the dam thrown across the two branches. It is a wonderful piece of work. There are also some very nice gardens here – it was quite the nicest collection of flowers that I have seen since leaving home. Most of the varieties were quite familiar to me though some have very different habits to what they have with us – lupins grow like weeds they use the seeds for fodder – the flowers are very feeble - larkspurs grow very tall – roses grow in very big bushes with small weak single flowers – hibiscus does fairly well – the bougainvilleas grow splendidly they nearly always train them as a tree – duranta