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each week end (when the rates are fairly cheap) – the above message only costs 3/9.
I would be pleased if you would send me one each week end; I think the following address would suffice "Major Read Mena House Cairo" It would be nice to get recent news of you each week.
I am feeling tip top but have been suffering a bit from ennui – we have no patients down here now & there is but little to be done. I am applying to be relieved of the job of O I/c. Camp in order to take on some of the patients at Mena House. Seeing that we will probably be staying on here I think I will get you to try & procure & send on to me a tobacco cutter – you should get a good one for 5 or 6 shillings.
Your letter from Gt. Australian Bight was rather ancient history – I was sorry to hear about Effie Stillwell's illness – you seem to be fated with the thermos flasks do you remember the one we had when touring in England –
I can easily picture you on the ship manipulating Peter's bottles & squaring stewards & stewardesses. I'll never forget our troubles in this direction on the "Orontes". It was good to hear that Peter was such a beautiful child & so good it is a great blow to me that I am missing

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