Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 119
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it was all under water. I have been very careful to guard against colds & have so far escaped. Whenever the air gets a bit chilly I put on the woollen sweater that I bought in Melbourne. I am longing to get a batch of letters describing your tip on the Demosthenes. There are lots of things that I would like to tell you about but our letters are censored & there is no use wasting pen & paper.
I went last night to see the Sphinx by moonlight – it was quite a weird experience – the moon at its full – the wide expanse of sandy desert with here & there the lights of some small Arab settlement – a group of camels & donkeys & their Arab attendants looming up largely on the skyline – in the distance the long straight sycamore bordered road to Cairo up & down which went a never ending cavalcade of tram & motor cars – right in front of us the imperturbable Sphinx with its background of pyramids. Some natives for the consideration of a small amount of backsheesh started their magnesium lamps & showed us how the Sphinx smiled. On the way back two of us essayed the task of riding on a camel & a queer experience it is. I don't think I would like to make a very long journey on the back