Item 01: Irene Victoria Read letters from her husband, 27 November 1914-1 November 1915 - Page 11

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[Page 11]

at the present moment it is lumbered up with hundreds of cases & packages of hospital stores red cross stores & ship's stores. We are also taking on from here about 20 motor ambulances. I don't know where the stuff will all be stowed. You never saw such a motley collection of things cases of baths, tubs, buckets, beds, blankets, mattresses, timber for splints, stoves, motor bikes, garbage tins, tents, tent poles etc etc. I think we will go away a very complete unit both as regards personnel and equipment. I have just this minute had handed to me your third letter dated 28th Nov. & was pleased to hear about prospect of car sale. £375 is the irreducible minimum for the present (not a penny less) £350 at the time

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