State Library of NSW
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No. 2 General HospitalMena Cairo14th March 1915.Dearest old Mrs,Since writing last week I have received the batch of letters forwarded to me from the Bank & I can tell you that I was very pleased to get them. I spent a couple of hours reading them & they were a couple of very happy hours. I sent you a cable yesterday addressed Irene Read Westbourne Grove Post Office London "Letters received all well best love" I presume you have made arrangements with the postmaster there to forward any wires to you; if you have not done so, I think it would be well to do it as once. It is a much less expensive address than the Bank – unless I hear from you to the contrary I will continue to address telegrams to Westbourne Grove & letters to the Bank as heretofore. You might from time to time say once a month send the old man a cable & you could embody in it any news you know about me. You do not seem to have had too pleasant a lot of passengers on the "Demosthenes" & fancy that awful giggling Miss Morgan – I suppose you were invited to go & stay with her at her London establishment & of course you must
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