State Library of NSW
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(No. 14)No. 2 General Hosp.Mena Camp8.2.15.Dearest old Mrs.,My last letter was dated 1.2.15 – since then things have been quietening down a bit, the camp is now pretty ship shape & everything is working nice & smooth – we have started our officer's mess down here on the sand – we certainly don't live as well as we did up at Mena House, but it is not at all too bad. I had a visit from Uncle Joe yesterday afternoon – he landed 4 or 5 days ago & has pitched his ambulance near Heliopolis about 4 miles from Cairo. He looks very well & says he had a very pleasant voyage from Australia. I heard to-day through one of the hospital patients that Cyril Read was in camp with one of the infantry battalions – I will probably be seeing him before very long. Several of us paid a visit to Cairo 2 days ago – we spent an interesting couple of hours doing one of the many bazaars. I saw lots of nice things that I would have liked to buy but made no purchases I have not yet made the ascent of the Pyramids but have been round them & have also seen the Sphinx. It is very cold here at night I sleep with 5 or 6 blankets over me – the ground where
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