State Library of NSW
[Page 187]
Broadmeadow CampNewcastle1st November 1915.Dearest old Mrs,How do? I arrived at Camp about 9 on Saturday night & found Captain Vickery the other Medical Officer down & apparently with measles. I packed him off to Sydney yesterday and wired for another medical officer – I understand one is coming up to-morrow. I sent you a wire this afternoon but suppose you'll not get it till to-morrow – I find that to-morrow (Tuesday) is the last day for getting one's name on the federal roll & that you are liable to be fined if it is not on so you had better bustle off to the local post office & have a look at the rolls and if our names are not on get them put on.I journeyed out to [indecipherable] this morning & had lunch with them – they had had a recent wire from Uncle Joe saying he was alright.Pretty comfortable here – cake a great success Best love all at home, in haste.Yr Loving husband Will
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