Incomplete letter received by Banks from Philip Gidley King, 14August 1804 (Series 39.089) - No. 0019

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it might excite doubt, that a man should [indecipherable] & so deliberately, write and answer his own letters, and continuing them in the Morning Post of the 13th. Octr. last.  If by the Epithets he alludes to, he means Ensign Barrallier I must say that young mans case was peculiarly hard.  He was drawn in to utter what was not true; with no other intention than to widen the breach between me & Colonel Paterson; It was by accident I heard it after it had its full effect in being reported to Colonel Paterson.  As soon as it came to my Ears, I certainly informed Coll Paterson (as the persons name was kept a Secret from me) that the propagation of such a falsehood has written on all the three Epithets my injured character, prompted me to bestow on him as a means of bringing the agressor forward.  When I was informed it was Ensign Barrallier who then acted as [indecipherable] and [indecipherable] in my Family;  he frankly [drew him?] artfully such a falsity had been extorted from him.  The assertion was that I had [indecipherable] my wife going to Colonels Patersons' house.

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