State Library of NSW
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In every respect the Situation of this Colony is very much bettered within the last Three Years; and to shew how & what great resources we have, I shall briefly state That by the last Musters in July we had then 7083 Souls here - 528 with Col. Collins - 1084 at Norfolk Island -123 Fishing in Basses Straits making a total of 8818 Persons of whom only 3596 are maintaind at the Public Expence - 12868 Acres under Crop - & 54,885 are located to Individuals. Of Stock we possess in all Horses 434; Cattle 3264; Sheep 16,501, Goats 2980 - Swine 14,308 - Wheat in hand 51831 Bushells; Maize 62,094; to which must be added our growing Crops which will be reaped in December. Our manufactories of linnen & woolen is considerably augmented and as we now have an House of Industry erected it will go increasing. Our Crops of Flax give constant Employment to Nine looms. We soon shall have Twenty at work & half of them on Sail Cloth. From a pint of hemp seed sent from India in 1802 I have now sowed Ten Acres
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