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[This page appears to contain rough notes relating to the respective dates. They have been noted in date order – not quite as they appear on the page]
Sun. 9. Writing in morning. Walk with Alan afternoon & evening along canal & round. tea at St. Omer.
Mon. 10
Dental pde. Pde 11.30 A.M. & Stunt shortly to come on explained to us. Details for not wri lost not written.
Tues 11.
Up at 2 A.M. to go through the stages entailed in the stunt. General rise of spirit in anticipation of coming event, which will be a big thing.
Wed. 12. Pack up & march Arques to Steenvoorde & sleep in barn on hay, walk in evening.
Thur. 13. up at 5.30. march in battle order leave pack & march two kilos past Dickebusch in Belgium & abt 6 miles from line Sleep in building, no room in tents.
Fri. 14.
House too far from rest of Coy. canvas humpy [diagram] to big wire stilts & canvas few shells about
Sat. 15
Nothing to do all day. About 15 Fritz planes lively time, M.G.'s & antis heavy bombardment all night.
Sun. 16.
very cold last night guns going all day long, heavy artillery duel for few hours in morning - 14 friz planes over, I gather dozen of planes, both sides, everywhere in clouds etc. & direct a pay of 40 Fs.