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What an unfortunate devil poor Frank is with his cars – he always seems to be in trouble – I think he must regard that "Wurley" corner as a bit of a Jonah, he has so often broken down in its immediate vicinity. I suppose he got a good old dressing down from the occupants of the car. What a godsend Cuddy must be for Frank when he gets into trouble.
I forgot to tell you that I had a letter from Uncle Joe soon after he got here & in it he told me that the had just received the box of Xmas bush that you sent to him at Broadmeadows – he told me to thank you very much for it – he was afraid that you would think that he had forgotten. I have not seen him since the evening I had dinner with him at his mess at Heliopolis. I saw Concanon in Cairo yesterday – I told him about the burglary at this house – he had heard about it – he made no mention about the burglar having occupied the bed of the lady of the house. I made no mention of the extraordinary operation that had been performed on his daughter. I was glad to hear by your letter from Tenerife dated 23.2.15. that you had received a letter from me from Egypt. I took Fred out the day before yesterday for a day with a real live Major – he behaved himself fairly

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