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You are then only a few hours train journey from Cairo & it is quite on the cards that I could get down to meet you. There would be practically no risk in crossing the Channel & you would be all right in the Mediterranean. But I would be very much afraid & would not like you to take the risk of going down the channel – you are probably in a better position to judge if this risk than I am but I cannot help but feel that it is only a matter of time before one of our big mail boats will be blown up.
For another month the climate here will not be too bad in fact I suppose at any time it is no worse than we experience in Sydney. At any rate if you found it bad you could easily get back to England. If you come you need not bring all your baggage – you could leave the rest in store in London. I don't think there would be any difficulty in getting a nice comfortable flat in one of the quiet suburbs of Cairo. I was much amused at "the latter" story about Margaret. What a funny little youngster she is! I received her letter & the beautiful Le Gresley representation of the "Demosthenes" likewise also your parcel of seeds for which many thanks – I'm afraid however they will not be of much use – they would not grow in the sand & we only have sand here.

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