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in yesterday we saw two waiting to go out any time. Night & day is just the same here as the shells are going over without a stop from thousands of guns as fast as they can load up. One thing we notice here – we are not subjected to the same rifle shooting & snipping as to what we got South of Armentiers I must say I've never seen such big guns as they have here – We are all over mud & in places have to wade through slush up to your knees – our feet are always wet & cold & only have the uniform we stand up in – our overcoats get wet & muddy & it is a load to carry them – as there is never enough sun to dry anything. Fritz must be getting hell. Had 1/5th of a loaf of bread – scrape of jam & a 2 x 3 in piece of cheese for 24 hrs.

24/10/16 Tuesday

Very cold & drizzling – Have ½ pint of tea & left for the Aid post at 6.30 am – No rations issued found a tin of bully beef & had a few iron biscuits – the only drinking water we get in out of shell holes. Was stationed at Mac Cormacks post, going strong all day – it is breaking all our hearts being always wet, short & shabby rations – the heavy work & slipping & sliding everywhere. Incessant heavy bombardment – Fritz replying not too slowly

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