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I was back at the Base, as a Hospital case,
an' was booked through to Blighty again.

We landed all right on a wet gloomy night
But what did I care for the rain,
When a Red Cross bloke fixed me up with a smoke,
an' a crib on the Red Cross train.

So that's how I'm here feeling shaky an' queer
In this clinking Red Cross bed,
With a Red Cross Nurse, when I'm feeling worse
To lay cool things on my head.
An all of it seemed to be part of my dreams,
Yet I know that it's not been a hoax.
For there's thousands today who are ready to say
Thank God for the Red Cross blokes.

Verse By L. Graham, H. Morton Smith

Gone – but he with us lives,
Link'd in our strife,
Link'd with the life that gives
The Hero – life.

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