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Tuesday 17/4/17

Rain – snow and wind. Very heavy bombardment all around our Sector, we got news that British & Canadians made a big push at Arras – taking Vimy Ridge & some 14000 prisoners & many batterys of 9 point 2 Guns & much ammunition, which was used to good advantage on Fritz. Also that the French below us captured 10,000 Prisoners in a big push at Rheims. Fritz still shells Bapaume with a long distance Naval Gun – most of them are duds. Wrote a lot of letters to get them away as the mail is due out.

Wednesday 18/4/17

Drizzling rain & sleet. Got a Furphy that we may possibly be relieved off this front by Spring troops. Got news that Lens & other Villages are in flames & now in our hands – St Quentin we hear is being out flanked & likely to fall any time. Surely Fritz can't stand too many weeks like last one.

Thursday 19/4/17

Dull to drizzling rain. Not much doing so I pushed off across country, to see if I

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