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[Page 44]

very successful only two of lads killed. They brought back a number of Prisoners, some of whom were only lads of 16 yrs – also got a lot of information – Our point is already too far advanced – so gain nothing taking his trenches yet. Sgt Holt who was killed, was just about to get a Commission & had secretly inherited £12,000. He died in our charge, so we had to t6ake charge till Padre & M.O. took all particulars etc. Had very little sleep.

18/9/16 Monday

Raining very hard all day – Got orders to go to "Noveau Monde" for a weeks blow. Got wet through walking in – boots full of water – Had a change of everything bar boots – Very cold.

19/9/16 Tuesday

Raining off & on. Had the morning off went to Divisional Baths & had a good hot bath. On Gas Picquet evening & night. Very cold

20/9/16 Wednesday

Dull day – Had the day off. Had a good old read. A few casualtys came in through the night.

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