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Put our time on one hour, to be in keeping with French time. All the Boys growling because of no Mail – I haven't had any decent mail since December 18th.

Sunday 25/3/17

Very frosty & bitterly cold, Heavy fighting roundabout Cambrai & St Quentin, we are quite at Home again to hear some of Fritzs shells whistling again & the boom of our own guns. Get daily news of Huns outrages & destruction. We have records & proof of Arsenic & other poisons in all drinking water – to say nothing of the filth & corruption he has thrown into springs & wells – all looking forward to a relief at an early date.

Very few casualtys through – Sent on a few Souvernirs – Receipts etc to Frank. Saw four of our planes brought down after sharp duels.

Monday 26/3/17

Dull day – Very cold. Much patrol fighting going on – Good few casualtys. Town Hall in Bapaume which was in fairly good order, excepting for the windows & the Tower, being shot down. Blew up at midnight last night, evidently by a mine set to a clock bomb

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