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[Page 67]                      Cooma SubDistrict                                                                               68

Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why it was Given
Cooma or Coola a Swamp or Lake
Numeralla Valley of Plenty
Nyjong Water

A big hill

Pipe clay there with a spring of water running from it

Murray Make haste
Manero The Navel - a Womans Breasts - as named on account of the Cone-shaped pinacles on Manero now Monaro, a Plane with hills rising out of it
Tillabudgery Good view
Murrumbidgee plenty Water
Cobbin Good Camping Place
Jindabyne A Valley or Gorge
Coolamatong Water by a Hill
Gungoandra Rocky Basalt Country
Coolboonbula  Watered by a River
Myalla (should be Pyalla the aboriginal name) Big talk
Jerangle The black peak
Coolringdon A black Swamp with water running through
Bunyan The Place where Pigeons Stay
Coolumbla (Now Rosebrook) Water from a Hill
Coolerang Little Spring
Woolway A place of Shelter
Gibbergunyah Stone House
Nutheram natherann[?] (now Rose Valley) A pleasant Valley
Muronbymoney [?] (The Snowy River) Big Rapid Water


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