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Copmanhurst 106
Murramie | Big Lizard (Baryulgil) | ||
Kooroomie |
Humans Breast, (Horse shoe Bend) |
Budgemby | Copmanhurst | Duallie | Gold diggings |
Yulgilbar | Thin peice of wood | Wagengugarra | Catfish (Yates Crossing) |
Pullgin | Thin bone of Kangaroo leg (Gordon [Brook?] | Urangbil | Leaves |
Burriganbar | Wind, (Camira) | Coombullna | Native dogs tail ([Kennys?] Creek) |
Nularragurra | Cangi | Junburra | Flies (Apple tree Flat) |
Beeaguderbar | Blackman Creek | Wurrymy | Tree struck by lightning |
Keirbarbin | White ant nest, (Broadwater) | Muggarrah | Thunder |
Toomburnarbun | Stag Horn fern, (Plain Station) | Tumgarragun | Tree Fern (Timbarra) |
Budgerahgum | Soft hair. (Lionsville) | Garradarrow | Stones (Stoney Station) |
Duelgum | Big Eel (Solferino) | Muckiywinormbin | Ghost (Myrtle Creek) |
Coombah | Baby boy | Kiyanee | Big Mussell (Battens Bight) |
Wudjongmoorgung | Grass, (Bushys Flat) | Burraganee | Boomerang, (Gorge) |
Wyan | Hip (Wyan Station) | Gooranghee | Round Hole |
Duckan Duckan | Grey gum tree, ([Ramosnie?]) | Narrie | Bush fire |
Ballunn | River | Woolarraboobon | Flood |
Bugidilla | Creek | Keedirah | After bush fire |
Tuggin | Mountain | Budjewy | Young grass |
Gowgantulgi | Heiliman. (Newbold) | Bummi | A Plain |
Malaria | Sap of Apple tree | Coomboordow | Cunglebong Station |
Gooraway | To go round (Ten Mile Station) | Ballygul | Mann River |
Bullakibil | Bull frog (Barretts Creek) | Begann | Newton Boyd |
Dullunghe | Pipeclay | Karradurra | Karrahdool Station |
Yerringhe | Willie wag tail, (Coaldale) | Gunnumdillum | Cungyoog (Smiths Creek) |
Mungungboorra | Bullrush (Fine flower Creek) | Margungerie | Eatonsville |
Goolahgilum | Tick. Fighting ground | Ewingar | Small bushy tree |
Tungrimee | Corroberree | Jubberah | Big grub |
Curronbumgee | Wallaby (Pumpkin Swamp) | Yumbah | Carpet snake |
Turrowbirran | Broken stone (Myall Creek) | Armallgi | Iguana |
Gibberygirra | Mahogany tree | Dumbum | Little Creek |
Bungumme | Hard ground (Sandilands) | Kulloybin | Public House |
Tunnimgah | Low bushy tree. (Whiteman [bridge?]) | Cowaribin | Race Course. |
Dundilkar | Cabbage gum. (Double Swamp) | ||
Bueybycarnee | Apple Tree (Tunstal Station) | ||
Washimberribin | Flying Squirel (Fairfield) | ||
Urambi | Sleep |
Chargem Piccanniny (Tatham)
Current Status: