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                           Mogil Mogil      

Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why it was Given Name of Place Meaning or reason Why it was Given
    Narrawuh Deserted place
    Mirradool Currant bushes
Buggie Hole of Water Gadman Long waterhole
Cubbu Water Wullingal Redflower on a Tree
Mirrabilla part of a fish Mirah Leaning tree
Bullabullah Butterfly Yarrarda Making a noise
Colkynamegle Big Waterhole Boomalli Fighting
Keago Wild Bear Bulla Bulla Cockatoo parrot
Burrin Boomerang Booral Anything big
Cowal Big Lagoon Tullardanta [Which]?  is white man
Yarrah Big Rocks Womba Mad man
Goonie Small stones Miron big water hole
Durrah little gullies Wu a Fire
Nobbo Angle of River Pigabilla a Porcupine
Dudid Small Trees Boatman Post Masters
Boveah Lot of Logs oolfellar Deserted Boom ? Grown
Nalli Aboriginal Camp Youlallding pair of handcuffs
[?]iowon Emu Moorra hand or fist
Mungibundi Shingle Back Lizard Narassir No more
Noobon Long Tailed Lizard Mussas Got some
Garrawalai Pine Trees Cugil Poor or starved sheep
Bunandanandool Burries in Ground Gunidillar Big finger
Doolan Thick leaves in trees Buber a letter
Yamie Going long Journey Boomally Fureir Kill fish
Buri Bombah Come on Quick Neema Curryjung tree
Geall frightened Nugen A Woman
Moga Maga Very Blind Wanta A Man
Nanta Nuby let him stop Boola Father
Donneybungallo running water Burrindon Boomerang
Buddur Paddock Mullimbro ?
Booral murry Big black fellow Dule Small ridge
Tallagarra Butterfly wing Nobbah Big mountain
Buber Letter Minnin Very muddy
Wahbe Morning Cullerim Blossom on balah trees
Dooloo Stick Mudda an Oppossum
Durrel Leaves on Trees H.M.Flick
1st Constable
Murgil Murgil


Boorooma A big dog    


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