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Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why it was Given Name of Place Meaning or reason Why it was Given
    Buckyinguy Very old person
    Warranguy Luck
Walgett Cracks in ground Whulwally Ask a person to whistle
Walina Leaving something behind Marooma Very straight and narrow
Gingii Froth in water Bung hill Crack in stick
Euroka The Sun Wilgu Rushes
Moramina To put wood in heap Wuribiddu Anything in poor condition
Brunbri Blackfellow carrying shield Gooroogir Lump growing on Tree
Mirendool Bulah Tree Boodthu Root of Tree
Boorooma Whirl-wind Guraldool Young box Tree
Euluh Wind raising ripples on Water Boorudur Pine tree
Eulumbi Making noise on ground Wangulbar Small Owl
Wangrawally Finding a place Corralone Person carry bushes
Goorooway A tree named Goorie Mooroogal Kangaroo-skin bag
Comborah A Spring Bouroondee A fly
Eumanbah A Tree growing along side of River Booranbril Top Knot Pigeon
Polly-bruvon Small hut Bugu White Stone
Girongra Bandicoot Wirgaldool Lignum bush
Maullunroo Never mind Noongadool A quantity of curajong Trees
Bagiwong Old person Mildool Rock with water in
Briwon Myall Tree Garawin Red Ground
Bogura Little Mounds Mooranda Large Plain
Gidga Little water-holes Wilby Wilby Throwing things about
Eurie eurie A Birds name Coombooby Person hitting another on head
Kirourgo To avoid being hit with stick Mongur Sheet of bark
Goungra Blood Conninbah Big Lagoon
Combogolong Green slime on Water Collygurrina Water passing through anything
Mourabie The nose of a person Uguyone Brown Snake
Yonundah Piece of bark marked by Aboriginals Moomburry Bull-frog
Mibrui Whip snake Guwa The moon
Cryon Sandy-ground Tolulinborn Small growing ?
Dunguliur Quantity of Muscle shells Murywoola A dog
Wingudee Bring me firm sticks Tunduone Soldier Bird
Nogull Eating Turrgunborn Stick to assis in climbing
Gungalman Long water hole    
Warrama Person standing    
Calumbah Weed that grows in swampy ground Robt. Graham
     Constable Reg no 691
Calimoowara Place where water has dried up from    


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