Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 34

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a heavy night carrying thro the mud & slush, the air seemed to be thick with bullets whizzing – As the road is so dangerous our Ambulance Cars cannot venture further down than the Estaminet – result all patients have to be carried 4 miles. Fritz dropping H. E. very close to our Aid Post all night, none of us had any sleep.

20/8/16 Sunday

Dull but no rain – We all went to bed about 5 am after clearing the wounded, about 6.30 am Fritz lobbed over some H. E.; the 2nd one took the cover off our dug out, others riddled our water cart etc – as we have no decent dug outs we all thought we would be in heaven in time for dinner, after about an hours suspense, he never got us & we started business as usual – I don't care who the man is this sort of thing unnerves him more especially, when he gets no sleep, that is our biggest trouble.


21st 1916 Fixed up the Aid Post as well as we could – Started building a decent dug out – Fairly quiet – not many casualtys

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