Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 28

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[Page 28]

1/8/16 Tuesday

Quite a hot day, about 98 in the Shade. Received our first lot of Reinforcements to make up wastage. The usual bombarding by heavy Artillery etc. Caught a few spies about our lines.

2/8/16 Wednesday

Hot & sunny. Not much doing & very few casualtys – Posted P.C.s to Frank, also letters to Grace, Jack O'Hagan & H.O'Kelly.

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Very sick – kind of Ptomaine poisoning.

6/8/16 Sunday

Not feeling too good & never done anything. Still fairly quiet along our trenches.

7/8/16 Monday

Altho not feeling too good, I went out to the trenches rather than miss my turn. Heavy Artillery firing all day – The Germans brought down one of our planes quite near Eaton Hall. Renewed Father King's acquaintance, he says he is heartily sick of the whole business, he told me that on the night our lads went

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