Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 9

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[Page 9]

on the Town of La Vinte, where the 59th & our artillery are billeted, it is only ¼ of a mile in front of us. 3 stretcher Bearer squads from each section moved out to the trenches at V C Cutting. A woman in the Village had collar bone broken by anti air guns & came to our Station to be dressed – Sailly show signs of the Huns unfortunately – A Great number of the inhabitants are still in the Village at their own risk. We took over operations from the 13th F. Ambulance today, they are due at Ypres – Had to tear the Cross & Brassard off our arms – so we have no protection at all. I for one will shoulder a rifle straight away, if the Geneva Convention cannot give better protection. Men are wounded in the trenches here in the morning & at sunset they are on the way to London – Some very stirring air duels immediately near us – Immediately our planes get near their lines for observation purposes they open fire & can safely say they fire hundreds of shells at each plane & there are dozens of planes & yet they say the Germans are short of ammunition, most of the shootings is rotten.

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