Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 85

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Thursday 8/2/17

Cold & heavy frost. Got a parcel of comforts from May – just what I required – Very few casualtys. Grandcourt evacuated by Fritz.

9/2/17 Friday

Cold & frosty – Heavy Artillery engagements during the day & night on our right toward Peronne. Very quiet as far as casualtys go.

Saturday 10/2/17

Exceptionally heavy frost. Got news of poor old Hubert O'Kelly, first he was supposed to be missing now he is reported as killed – I dread writing to his Mother. Fritz shelling very close to us during the night – Knocked a few huts out of action with casualtys.

Sunday 11/2/17

Cold & Frosty – Fritzs planes dropping bombs all round about us – several casualtys from same – Very few casualtys otherwise.

Monday 12/1/17

Cold & Frosty – Many aeroplane duels – also heavy artillery duels – Got a gas alarm at 5.30 pm, luckily for us it drifted to our right towards Peronne where the dare devil 20th Division is. Fritz also attacked in that sector in large numbers

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