Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 79

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[Page 79]

General Birdwood paid us a visit. Applications were invited from the Stretcher Bearers of our Ambulance to attend an Officers School for Commissions in the Infantry, some 20 applied – I was nearly going to apply but, I thought it better to be a live coward than a Lance Jack Lieutenant with a D.C.M. & wooden cross. The Ambulance is running a Canteen & is proving quite a boom, the trouble is we cannot get sufficient supplys.

21/1/17 Sunday

Still snowing – Bitterly cold at night – heavy frosts on top of the snow. Fairly busy.

22/1/17 Monday

Heavy frost – snow still laying about. Two of the 14 F. Amb S.Bs killed & couple got blightys. A lot of trench feet cases going through.

23/1/17 Tuesday

Heavy frost – snow still about. Beastly cold on night duty & loading the train at 2 am. Much aerial activity, a few Taubs brought down not far from us – The wounded coming thro speak highly

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