Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 62

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[Page 62]

29/10/16 Sunday

Blowing like the Devil & cold enough for sleet. Had the day off 3 pm, then set out to relieve the 14th at McCormacks. Got absolutely our 2nd issue of comforts in the shape of a pair of soxs. Had some narrow squeaks coming in – Very busy all night. Never experienced such a cold night, feet just like as tho they didn't belong to me, even the proverbial 40 winks out of the question. We are all praying for a little decent weather to let our lads have a fly & get away from this cursed hole called the Somne. Get no news at all here of the outside world. The usual cannonading & nerve racking noises.

30/10/16 Monday

Raining & colder if anything – Horrors & more horrors of war – A couple of horses & sledges were introduced to assist us in conveying the wounded – they are not bad & much quicker – but as a few bearers have to be in attendance, to avoid ruts etc, the horse goes thro slush 2 ft deep & of course we have to follow. Very heavy rain late in the evening & right thro the night, every

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