Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 56

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[Page 56]

support lines, we must have gone 8 miles, are now within 500 yards of Fritz. All the Ambulance bearers are working together – 8th do 8 hours – the 14th do 8 hours & the 15th do 8 hours, as we have to carry patients back some 5 miles we work relay posts of 8 or 12 at posts – it is very heavy work bearing here – it is impossible to get along at all in the trenches – so we carry on top 4 or 6 men to a stretcher – you slip this way – then that & by trying to dodge one shell hole you fall into another. – It is quite true to say over nearly every yard of ground there is a shell hole, some of which you could bury a horse & cart. It is enough to turn one up the nights – the unburied germans the partly buried ones – which are easy enough to see by some portion sticking out – the stench also is cruel, on this account we very seldom used a Fritz dug out as some of them are full of dead & the entrance thrown down. The Germans were in this spot exactly three weeks ago – Any amount of Souvenirs to be had, but unless small & light the weight kills a man on the forced marches we had had lately & we have no chance of getting them away. About ½ mile away is a wrecked tank & coming

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