Item 03: George R. Faulkner war diary, 6 July 1916-17 November 1916 - Page 110

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have much in store for us.

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday
2nd               3rd           4th

After the Storm – Horrors & more horrors. The stunt was partly successful – not what it should have been for two reasons – it was a silent stunt & no artillery was used – a dog barking at our patrols also gave the show away & we practically ran into a hornets nest – The Boys fought gamely & well in spite of the hail of lead from machine guns – They went over at daylight on Monday morning & got half the village 0f "Doigniel" & surprised many Fritzs having breakfast – some of the boys actually tore into Fritz's hot coffee & sausages – but couldn't stand the black bread. Good few Prisoners came thro big numbers of Fritzs killed. Regimental Bearers with the assistance of a few volunteers, said could manage, so we opened up an Aid Post & it took us fellows all we knew to keep it clean, we worked like Trojans – or rather 4 squads did – other squads either got the wind up their trousers or were pointing, at any rate Windsor, Feint, Collins & self were

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