term, is highly gratifying to the Christian mind, and a severe rebuke to those who endeavour to represent America as an example of sternness and cruelty towards her copper colored Sons of the Forest, in order to excite a similar spirit, and line of conduct, against those Aborigines who resist the progress of their invaders, and battle with the destroyers of their free-born rights. Britannia stands not alone, America unites in Christian sympathies towards Barbarians, and Liberty and Slavery, that twin-headed Monster, the despotic Monarch whose kingly authority rules, as a Demon, the Southern States, must soon be hurled from his throne, and his tyranny abolished, in the Land of the Free.
During the present year periodical visits have been made to Morpeth, distance nearly 30 miles; the Swamps, about 15 miles; and to a neighbouring Establishment about 9 miles off, on alternate Lord's Days, whenever circumstances permitted, to conduct Divine Worship for the benefit of our own countrymen; but I regret, that the Aborigines are not collected at any place, so as to afford me an opportunity of addressing them as a body, it is only Individuals, to whom I can speak, and that only occasionally.
The Aboriginal Lad at my own establishment regularly attends our service. Considering him a fair specimen of the Blacks in the interior, I have no hesitation in concluding that they are equal in capacity to others of fairer skin, and, that if means were allowed for the support of a few, from the interior during an experimental course of Scriptural Education, I should be under no apprehension as to the beneficial result in one way or other for their temporal, if not, ultimately, for their everlasting welfare.
I have the honor to remain,
Your most obedient and humble Servant,