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Character or circumstances under your control, and that I also am added to the list of innocent sufferers to your Domineering and uncourteous Authority so perfectly inconsistant with honorable feelings, much less with Christian principles. -The period is fast approaching when such authority will cease to exist, communications from the missionaries in various parts of the Globe in answer to my printed statement all complain of your usurpation and disgraceful line of conduct towards them, and concur that "a change must be effected now or the Society will be ruined". Your letter further observes that "In not abandoning the mission in compliance with Our positive instructions so to do ... you have done wrong and that you should immediately proceed to adopt the course presented to you by our letter of the 31st May 1828 and the resolutions therein contained and which it was your duty to have done for the [indecipherable]" The implied course of these resolutions I did adopt but had [indecipherable] acquire [indecipherable] into your hands, or to leave the ministry as mere machines, at your command? Can your puny resolutions in the sight of God dissolve our responsibility to him, to bring the Heathen to the knowledge of his son? - Does all duty merge in the one duty you have prescribed as due to you? - Is there no Duty to ourselves, to our families, to the Heathen, to God, but all, all must bow to your shrine or missionaries be stigmatised by you with the charge of want of manifesting "a Christian temper"! That missionary is really to be pitied, if such a one could be found, Servite enough to throw up his charge, at the mere intimation of your will; without making some effort for the heathen whose interests he has espoused, and that power which demands so strange, so reasonable, and so costly to sacrifice must be watched with the utmost vigilance, resisted with the most determined resolution, and treated with the utmost abhorrence by every faithful follower of Christ. - There is another observation