
to ... the Christian word through the most published channels for pursuing assistance to aid me in my endeavours your offer of a pafsage to England is perfectly contemptible, and your endeavours to tempt me to abandon the extension of the Kingdom of Christ among the Aborigines by withdrawing support with the previous investigation by a Committee on the spot is Exceedingly Offensive. But why do I reply to those who trust in opposition because power is in their hands. I henceforth appeal to a Generous Christian Publick. [deletions] feeling confident of having always to the best of my endeavours performed my duty with integrity as a Mifsionary.
I am Sirs
Your very illused
L. P. Threlkeld
I have written to the Rev. S. Marsden to know whether I am to consider myself discharged by the committee from the service of the London Mifsionary Society after the conclusion of the current year ending Oct 21st 1830 and in the mean time what steps are to be taken respecting the land and property of the mifsion - The open duplicate of this is also sent him - My reason for wishing to ascertain the above from Mr Marsden is that then, when regularly discharged, I shall be at full liberty to publish my appeal.

Current Status: 
Ready for review