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You know well the importance of condescending to the capacities, and to the ignorance, of these degraded beings among whom you will have to dwell ; while your example will inspire them with a concern to abandon their debasing habit, and to imitate those of civilised society. Labouring to cultivate their minds, by instructing them in the arts of reading, writing, &c. and by communicating to them a knowledge of the doctrines and precepts of the Gospel, and the duties which they owe to the Government of this Country, and mankind in general, you will at the same time endeavour to promote among them cleanliness, decency of dress, industry in cultivating land, and building themselves houses, and a regard to all the duties of domestic life. Your knowledge of what has been done in these respects among the adults of other heathen nations, will forbid that you should despair of success among those who have reached the years of maturity ; but your special attention will be directed to the children and to the rising generation, as affording the best grounds of hope. Schools, for the instruction of all, will be your first object to establish, and which you will superintend with indefatigable care and zeal. And while your best efforts will be directed to heal their mental woes, your knowledge of medicine will enable you to remove their bodily sufferings. A steady attention to these objects, together with a kind manner, a tender solicitude to promote their temporal happiness and comfort, and a glowing zeal to advance their eternal salvation, will not fail, we trust, to secure to you their love, confidence, and attachment. In you they will see what a Christian is, and be led to emulate his excellencies.
The preaching of the Gospel being the great means which is ordained of God, to effect the conversion of sinners, and to promote their sanctification and meetness for glory, and to break down the vile superstitions which degrade the heathen world, your immediate solitude will be, to acquire such a knowledge of the language of the people among whom you are to dwell, as to be qualified, as soon as possible, to preach to them, in their own tongue, the wonderful works of God. To accomplish this, will be indeed an arduous task, but the confidence we have in your talents and diligence, and in that Divine assistance which you will constantly implore, enables us to anticipate a period, not very remote, when this will be achieved. But, when you have acquired a knowledge of the language of these perishing heathen, while your efforts will be more immediately to promote the welfare of those who reside in your immediate vicinity ; you will not fail to embrace any opportunities which may offer, of preaching the Gospel to other tribes, and of promoting the welfare of other natives, to the utmost extent of your power, throughout this vast Island. We rejoice that Providence has directed you to a partner in life, like minded with yourself, we trust, as to Missionary views and feelings. Her intimate knowledge of the natives, will qualify her to take an active part with you in promoting their welfare, and especially the good of her own sex, to which we are confident, to the extent of her domestic convenience, she will devote herself. While as a Missionary, your immediate and principal duties lie among the Aborigines of this land, and from which nothing must make you swerve, yet, when opportunities offer of preaching the Gospel to your countrymen, we are assured you will not fail to embrace them, and to endeavour to promote the salvation of those who have left their native shores, and taken up their abode in this Country.

As to the means of subsisting your self and family, it must be left to your own discretion. Assured that you will use all the economy which is consistent with your domestic comfort, we pledge the funds of the Society for your support, and authorize you to draw upon the Treasurer for such sums, from time to time, as may be necessary ; at the same time, we request that, so soon as you can ascertain what sum will be equal to your annual support, you will name it to the Society at home, persuaded that a fixed annual salary will be more agreeable to all parties.

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Ready for review