
Where is your father? Whanune buiing yenoong
Youre a stupid fellow Warro kangorar Wengalbee
Youre a blind fellow Inineineen guar
Youre a thief Kiomullbee
Youre a good fellow Kiomulbee goreen yarranine
Dont like anything of mine Yanabee marning aimwooinbar
Im very angry with him Arlagabarryong bunya
Tell him come here Tainain beinyong weealar
I'll give you something Mimaringbarino ooning
What will you give me Miniaring beijeer  Do
I killed a large snake this morning Boongullarbury bolengio tangun mimimarrine
Where did you kill it Wandabee bougullar
I think you ran away Uuckaibee ooiungar
Let me see it Yacquai bonyouar
How many did you see Minninebee narkullar
Dont kill me Yanabeejeer punning
Im very frightened of you Kindjarlongbung yerroombar
I wont hurt you Pongoreenbarno
I am very hungry Yerringunbung kanguu
I am very tired Mijenar kooroong archuiy
I dont know where it is Muckar whanune
I have lost it Wruabung kockillar
Come & look for it Ki barly nowarwall
You throw a bomerang now Nivillar acquoi woirowill gobung
I will throw a spear at you Touraning barno gummigin
I think blackfellow killed him Muckar kooree toorar
I am very sorry for you Nurrarar (or nari) barno
Make haste come back Gerringbee wellunbununy
Who does it belong to! Arnombar
You cant find honey Karkooreenbee koorarming
Youre only a fisherman Muggri barnbee
Youre afraid of tumbling down Muckarbee niageemunniu
You cant get up a tree Muckarbee culleewar goreen
Bring me home water Koguinjeer marrar
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