Ive heard good news |
Nurrungullibung Sonje marong |
Tell me make haste |
Weealageer gerring |
I saw devil devil last night |
Booruny beang narhullar korargar |
I believe youre joking |
Nuckar See acqueear |
It was like this |
Yandi Gillore |
Two large eyes |
Nuckaring boolwarrar |
I thought it was a black fellow |
Minaotasbung Koiee |
When blackfellow coming? |
Aequoingar wonning Koree |
Is there plenty of grass there? |
Pastoyong Kawal Kairal |
Is there plenty of water there? |
Woyolong yong Kawal Kairal |
I am afraid of Snakes |
Kinajaibung mootargiu |
I am afraid of Bushrangers |
Kinajailongbung croppy gin |
I believe I lose myself |
Muckaibung urijar Kunning |
I think blackfellow Kill me |
Muckanjeer louraning Koorergoo |
I'll make you plenty spears |
Taindaisuebasno carowal gunimi |
I'll catch you by & by |
Corbo marnin baruo |
What did you kill him for |
Minnungolongbee toorar |
Send me a musket Ill bring ) |
Arubillajeer musketo bul |
it back in two days. ) |
warigal wellumbunninbung |
Dont lend it to a black fellow |
Arnbee gooiar kooree |
You promised to make me a club) |
Wunnumbeejeer weear |
what have you deceived me for ) |
moku-ullabeejeen acqueear |
Get me plenty of honey & I'll. ) |
Currinung-beejeer manar |
give you plenty of flour. ) |
toolenar barno ouning |
I'll exchange with you |
Unnoginejeer genoong unnnogogine |
What shall I give you for it |
Minniaring barno ouning |
I'll take it away from you |
Marning barno gerroongingal |
I'll fight you tomorrow |
Bongallinin barno conitabo |
I'll spear you this evening |
Touraning barno yerra-argo |
Sit down, I'll not hurt you |
Yellowillabee poongoorunbarne |
I have heard blackfellow going to kill you |
Nurrangullabung mackarbin touraning |
I wont let blackfellow touch you |
Gawarrine poongoiunbin weeaning bung |
Come & sit down with me |
Ki yellowoilbarly unal |
Come & lie down with me |
Ki unde barly berregewill |