A 382: Reverend Lancelot Edward Threlkeld papers, 1822-1862 - Page 112

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Ive heard good news Nurrungullibung Sonje marong
Tell me make haste Weealageer gerring
I saw devil devil last night Booruny beang narhullar korargar
I believe youre joking Nuckar See acqueear
It was like this Yandi Gillore
Two large eyes Nuckaring boolwarrar
I thought it was a black fellow Minaotasbung Koiee
When blackfellow coming? Aequoingar wonning Koree
Is there plenty of grass there? Pastoyong Kawal Kairal
Is there plenty of water there? Woyolong yong Kawal Kairal
I am afraid of Snakes Kinajaibung mootargiu
I am afraid of Bushrangers Kinajailongbung croppy gin
I believe I lose myself Muckaibung urijar Kunning
I think blackfellow Kill me Muckanjeer louraning Koorergoo
I'll make you plenty spears Taindaisuebasno carowal gunimi
I'll catch you by & by Corbo marnin baruo
What did you kill him for Minnungolongbee toorar
Send me a musket Ill bring ) Arubillajeer musketo bul
it back in two days.             ) warigal wellumbunninbung
Dont lend it to a black fellow Arnbee gooiar kooree
You promised to make me a club) Wunnumbeejeer weear
what have you deceived me for ) moku-ullabeejeen acqueear
Get me plenty of honey & I'll. ) Currinung-beejeer manar
give you plenty of flour.          ) toolenar barno ouning
I'll exchange with you Unnoginejeer genoong unnnogogine
What shall I give you for it Minniaring barno ouning
I'll take it away from you Marning barno gerroongingal
I'll fight you tomorrow Bongallinin barno conitabo
I'll spear you this evening  Touraning barno yerra-argo
Sit down, I'll not hurt you Yellowillabee poongoorunbarne
I have heard blackfellow going to kill you Nurrangullabung mackarbin touraning
I wont let blackfellow touch you Gawarrine poongoiunbin weeaning bung
Come & sit down with me Ki yellowoilbarly unal
Come & lie down with me Ki unde barly berregewill

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